Adams Tax Service, Inc., is rated TOP 3 Tax Return Preparation Services in Minneapolis, MN by ThreeBest Rated. 3 Best Tax Services in Minneapolis, MN – Expert Recommendations (
The ThreeBestRated Report is a independent research company that insures we meet the State licensing requirements for skill, reliability and carry liability insurance as protection for our clients. The ThreeBestRated staff calls clients to verify high satisfaction for tax preparation, tax filing, tax rebates, personal & corporate tax returns.
Adams Tax Service, Inc., is a full tax preparation firm that is fully committed to providing the highest level of quality service to individuals and businesses. Whether you are an individual, small business or a homeowner looking for an honest and transparent tax professional who will give you all the information you need, Adams Tax Service has a solution for you.
We believe honesty, transparency and consistency in our service makes us a preferred tax professional for many. Our passion and dedication to helping people understand taxes coupled with our dedicated professionalism sets us apart from our competition.
At Adams Tax Service, we are an authorized IRS e-filer provider and an IRS Registered Tax Preparer, that is fully committed to doing everything that will keep your tax bill low thanks to our vast knowledge of the tax laws. You can count on our complete confidentiality, professionalism, friendly service and affordable prices all of which are blended with personalized attention.
Whether you are an Individual, S Corporation, Partnership or Limited Liability Company, you can be sure that we will offer tax return service like no other thanks to our professionalism, customer service and attention to detail.
Contact us today.